Barriers and Facilitators to Implementing Simulation-Based Translational Research

PhD Candidate: Lisa Paganotti
Dissertation Defense

The dissertation defense will be open and held virtually.


This event has passed. The written dissertation or abstract is available by clicking the link below.

The PhD in Translational Health Sciences Program is proud to announce the Dissertation Defense of:

PhD Candidate: Lisa Paganotti

Barriers and Facilitators to Implementing Simulation-Based Translational Research: A Qualitative Study

Dissertation Committee Chair: Paige McDonald, Ed.D

December 13, 2021, Noon-2:00 p.m. ET

The use of healthcare simulation has been shown to reduce medical errors and increase patient safety. Translational simulation aims to use research to demonstrate a link between the use of simulation and improved patient outcomes. Translational simulation research has the potential to inform the way we use simulation to impact patient care and patient outcomes. This qualitative study brings together the experiences of experts in the field. This study explores and adds to the existing literature by identifying barriers, facilitators, approaches, and advice on the topic of implementing translational simulation.