The dissertation defense will be open and held virtually.
This event has passed. The written dissertation or abstract is available by clicking the link below.
The PhD in Translational Health Sciences Program is proud to announce the Dissertation Defense of:
PhD Candidate: Emily J. Balog
Facilitating aging in place and community by empowering participation in society: A mixed methods study on the co-development of a theory of change with suburban-dwelling older adults
Dissertation Committee Chair: Philippus Van der Wees, Ph.D., P.T.
September 1, 2021, 12:00 PM EST
Communities have recognized the need for action planning to support the needs of older adults to remain in their homes and communities (age in place); however, plans often lack empirical evidence, they leave out older adults, particularly those with disabilities, and the planning process takes a top-down approach often from the perspective of planners and policy makers. This mixed methods study telephonically surveyed (n=64) and interviewed (n=14) older adults from three suburban communities finding a set of needs and suggested objectives to address these needs (theory of change) to make way for community participation. Planners can use the results to create customizable, theory-driven, and evidence-based strategies to engage diverse older adults in the planning process for aging-friendly communities.